
Transform Your Outdoor Space With Article

You know that feeling when you step outside and your outdoor space just doesn’t feel right? Maybe your patio feels too small or your backyard lacks personality. Whatever the case, your outdoor area has tons of potential, you just need a little help unlocking it. In this article, we’ll explore easy ways to transform your outdoor space using furniture and decor from Article. With their stylish, high-quality pieces, you can create a space that’s cozy yet sleek, functional yet aesthetically pleasing. From sectionals and dining sets to rugs and lighting, Article has everything you need to make your patio, deck, or yard the outdoor oasis you’ve been dreaming of. Follow along as we cover how to pick pieces that suit your taste, mix and match for a collected look, and arrange your new furniture in a way that maximizes both comfort and visual appeal. By the end, you’ll feel ready to tackle your own outdoor transformation with confidence. Let’s get started!

Designing Your Ideal Outdoor Oasis

Everyone deserves their own little slice of paradise. The first step to creating your perfect outdoor space is deciding how you want to use it. Do you imagine relaxing with friends, gardening, dining al fresco or exercising? Once you determine the function, you can start mapping out the form.

If relaxation is the goal, focus on comfortable seating – try a cozy lounge set, hanging egg chair or porch swing. Add lighting, greenery and ambient details like a fire pit or water feature. For gardening or dining, build planting beds or a eating area and stock up on plants, pots and furnishings. For exercise, designate space for a yoga mat, weights or other equipment.

Creating Zones

Break up your space into zones based on activity. A lounging zone, dining zone and gardening zone, for example. Use trellises, fencing or garden arbors to define each area. This helps make your outdoor oasis feel cohesive while allowing each space to serve its unique purpose.

Once you map out a design, start pulling everything together. Shop for high-quality, weather-resistant furnishings and accents. Add containers and plants suited for your climate. Install lighting so you can enjoy your space day or night. With the right elements in place, you’ll have an outdoor retreat tailor-made for your needs in no time. Your ideal oasis awaits!

Bringing Your Vision to Life With Article

You have the perfect outdoor space envisioned—now it’s time to make it a reality. With the right plan and supplies from Article, you can create an area for relaxing and entertaining that’s stylish and functional.

Define Your Space

First, determine how you want to use your outdoor area. Do you need seating for dining, lounging or both? Define zones for different activities. Measure your space and create a rough layout to determine what will fit comfortably without feeling cramped.

Choose Your Furniture

Article has a range of outdoor furniture in various styles to suit any aesthetic. For a cozy lounge space, consider a sofa, loveseat and chairs. For al fresco dining, a table and chairs are a must. Don’t forget extras like side tables, ottomans and planters. Stick to a cohesive style and color palette for a pulled-together look.

Add Decorative Touches

The finishing details make all the difference. Scatter outdoor rugs, pillows, blankets and lanterns to create a warm ambiance. Include natural elements like plants, greenery and pottery. String outdoor lighting or patio umbrellas provide shade and illumination for evening entertaining.

With some thoughtful planning using Article’s stylish and durable outdoor furniture and accessories, you’ll have an inviting space for enjoying fresh air with friends and family in no time. Your perfect vision will become a reality this season!

Frequently Asked Questions About Article

How much space do I need for an Article?

Article can work with nearly any outdoor space. The minimum size for a basic Article is typically 8 feet by 8 feet. However, Article is very scalable and some people create Article spaces that span their entire backyard! The amount of space you need ultimately depends on how ambitious you want to get.

How much does an Article cost?

The cost of an Article can vary quite a bit depending on the size and components. You can expect to pay between $500 to $5,000 for a basic 8×8 foot Article with gravel, edging, and a few plants and decor. Larger, more intricate Article with pathways, lighting, water features, and premium building materials can cost $10,000 or more. The good news is Article can be built over time as your budget allows.

How much maintenance does an Article require?

Article requires a moderate level of maintenance to look its best. Plan on spending 3 to 5 hours per month on tasks like:

• Watering plants and lawn areas during dry weather.

• Weeding and pruning plants.

• Raking gravel and mulch to maintain an even surface.

• Tightening any loose edging or hardware.

• Checking any water features and lighting to ensure proper functioning.

• Fertilizing plants and lawns in the spring and summer.

• Adding or rotating decor items to keep things fresh.

With regular maintenance, your Article can provide you enjoyment for many years to come! The effort is well worth the reward.


You don’t have to spend big bucks to turn your backyard into a private oasis. With a little planning, some elbow grease, and the right accessories from Article, you can create a cozy and stylish outdoor living space tailored to your personal taste. So go ahead, grab those Article outdoor cushions you’ve had your eye on, string up some lights, and get to work designing a backyard retreat that feels like your own secluded corner of paradise. You’ll be so glad you did.